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Goals, Running, Life, Spirit, Fitness and Health in the USA

Creativity,Writing and Life(Living it) December 24, 2017

Doing some reading and writing this early Christmas eve. The attached video pooped up on the youtube feed and it caught my heart and eye. Just what i wanted and needed to hear as i was cranked up with juices and the pen was wiggling in my hand.

Also watched another video- made up of several videos and bullets from earlier speeches and interviews. From that video she listed 10 rules for her work and life.

  1. Find your home.
  2. Follow your Curiosity.
  3. Check in with Your Soul.
  4. Don’t expect to have balance.
  5. Find your path.
  6. Don’t blow the STAKES up ( it is all small stuff)
  7. Find inner peace.
  8. Don’t be childish
  9. Find YOUR creative process
  10. Challenge your focus.

Now to try this..even just a little.


and a link to Elizabeths big time book….

