We RUN USA !!!

Goals, Running, Life, Spirit, Fitness and Health in the USA

Staying Fit ( or just Healthy) During Cold and Flu Season…with AFib (atrial fibrillation) February 19, 2019

I have spent the last few months on the edge of a full blown winter cold. A small sniffle here and a teasing cough there. The whole time i have been in some level of fear since 2 years ago- I entered winter with a pretty bad cold(bronchitis later) and emerged in spring in HEART FAILURE- AFIB (atrial fibrillation) and been dealing with it since then.

I survived the winter of 2017-18 without any illness but just before the Christmas holiday I started feeling the twinge in my chest and throat.

Now the fear crept in and I started with tea and juice. I am concerned with the empty calories in juice BUT also concerned with getting a chest cold so I water down OJ, Grapefruit and grape juice with seltzer. It gives me plenty of fluids and the vitamins- Speaking of vitamins I add more supplements to my intake as the lungs feel “funny”.

I fought the cold ll season BUT still ended with a full blown cough- that occasionally kept me awake. This year the cough never progressed beyond the pain in the butt stage But it was still there and it added congestion to my chest that was already compromised in breathing due to the Afib. The pumping of blood through the upper chambers of my heart is out of whack and I often have mild difficulty catching my breath. This winter has been a minor breathing challenge.

I have also noticed an increase in weight, most likely due to water retention. Since I have had trouble have not been to the gym nor done much other exercise. That usually helps when I detect bloating. A good sweat helps.


I found this article on PINTEREST…similar to other info I have read.











A FIB / Atrial Fibrillation living and overcoming with diet. Heart health from the kitchen. January 28, 2019

I have been living with A Fib / Atrial Fibrillation for about 2 years. The symptoms vary and they come and go. Now in the heart of the winter I think I am retaining more water/ fluids since I am not sweating as much. (Need to hit the gym some more, maybe wear a sweatshirt).

Most of these posts are personal research BUT I hope this can be helpful for other folks.

Later today I will head to Trader Joe’s for some food. This research just confirmed what I already know/ knew. It also reminded me me of the ” sins” I was making in feeding myself and MY HEART.

Time to do it better.

** Interesting video with some very basic information. SUMMARY: cut out salt, oil and sugar, highly processed foods.

Now what diet to Follow? Metro, No. arb , High starch, plant base or vegan?

No processed foods????? How about the newly popular Raw Food Diets, which are also plantbased?

** Some general heart healthy and Blood pressure positive foods, very important for A Fib.


:: Now magnesium is valuable for A Fib treatment and general heart health.




Booger Freeze before Brain freeze on the Morning Jog…. January 7, 2014

Filed under: apparel,Weather,Winter — bigfootmarty @ 1:10 am
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I remember the first time I saw this Calvin and Hobbes strip and nearly busted my spleen laughing. After running for 25+ years and many winters all around the US when traveling .

I also spent 4 chilly years at Notre Dame and northern Indiana gets down into the signal digits and the wind quickly freezes the boogers- eyes wide open and Brain freeze is faster than a slurpee (don’t even think about peeing behind a tree…..)


Keep your sinuses clear or the freeze can silence your brain..YIKES!

If really susceptible- make a face shield with a poly race shirt from last summer.