We RUN USA !!!

Goals, Running, Life, Spirit, Fitness and Health in the USA

Staying Fit ( or just Healthy) During Cold and Flu Season…with AFib (atrial fibrillation) February 19, 2019

I have spent the last few months on the edge of a full blown winter cold. A small sniffle here and a teasing cough there. The whole time i have been in some level of fear since 2 years ago- I entered winter with a pretty bad cold(bronchitis later) and emerged in spring in HEART FAILURE- AFIB (atrial fibrillation) and been dealing with it since then.

I survived the winter of 2017-18 without any illness but just before the Christmas holiday I started feeling the twinge in my chest and throat.

Now the fear crept in and I started with tea and juice. I am concerned with the empty calories in juice BUT also concerned with getting a chest cold so I water down OJ, Grapefruit and grape juice with seltzer. It gives me plenty of fluids and the vitamins- Speaking of vitamins I add more supplements to my intake as the lungs feel “funny”.

I fought the cold ll season BUT still ended with a full blown cough- that occasionally kept me awake. This year the cough never progressed beyond the pain in the butt stage But it was still there and it added congestion to my chest that was already compromised in breathing due to the Afib. The pumping of blood through the upper chambers of my heart is out of whack and I often have mild difficulty catching my breath. This winter has been a minor breathing challenge.

I have also noticed an increase in weight, most likely due to water retention. Since I have had trouble have not been to the gym nor done much other exercise. That usually helps when I detect bloating. A good sweat helps.


I found this article on PINTEREST…similar to other info I have read.











Heart Failure, A Fib and Weight Loss November 19, 2018

I have been living with AND AWARE of my Atrial Fibrillation ( AFib ) induced heart failure for about 18 months and I have seen benefits of a proper diet and exercise as well as the results when I slip.

I had a small health setback and put on a bunch of the weight I had lost and am feeling the effects of the AFib more and more. Focusing on diet ,low salt and low fat hav helped , but combining with exercise and weight loss will return me to the path of health.

The following video talks about the benefit of even a 10% reduction in weight. Since my BMI is up there and my weight is too, my ultimate loss could be as high as 35%.


I am enjoying the current trip to health but want to create a lifestyle that will keep me in a comfortable zone.

Dr. Gupta discusses the benefit of diet, good sleep, stress reduction and exercise for both the weight loss and AFib reduction. I see the above package as a team or total prescription. ..exercise helps sleep and stress, less stress helps sleep and diet, good diet gives energy and well being….

It all builds on the other and I look forward to,the journey.

A quick video on exercise… https://youtu.be/aHqfgs5lEGk.



Learning about Type 2 Diabetes November 14, 2018

I am a heart patient and am currently in Heart failure with Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) and many of the folks I am in contact with that are also dealing with heart issues are dealing with Type 2.

Fortunately I am not,but since I am still overweight it is always a threat. We discuss food and diet and recipes all of the time. Exercise is also a significant factor and is often at the center of our conversations.

I have looked at many video and blogs and sites for information. I want to list share a few here and maybe later a a listing.

HIIT , High Intensity Interval Training- comes up frequently as a tool for diabetics to beat the problem. 10 seconds intense/ 30 seconds easy for 30 minutes. On Treadmill,bicycle, elliptical etc… intense = full capable sped for you…NOW.


Another interesting video discussing muscle building with resistance( weight lifting) training and exercise.


Fruits for diabetes and health.


Full meal idea,plans,,,


More to come ,thanks.

If you have any questions or suggestions…let them fly below. THANKS


Lectures for Health- Food and Eating and What is Best. October 31, 2018


Eat More, Weigh Less, Live Longer ( key unrefined foods)


Starch Solution – working pretty well for me.

Dr.Neal Barnard- lots of good info,  only watched one or twice but loaded with information.




Eat You Heart Out/ Up : Heart healthy Food and Recipes October 30, 2018

As the season is changing, the farmers market options are changing and thinning out but SOUP and STEW season is here.  Get a few great fresh goodies, some canned goodies and get cooking without salt and oil and feel great and eat happy.

I have always focused on the good foods BUT not very much on the oil and salt now with the heart issue i am dealing with I have gotten rid of oil and salt and other goodies/baddies.  Feeling better and losing weight.

Time to see how it all goes. 

The Forks over Knives folks have a bunch of great and healthy recipes. Sharing a few current faves.

Soup season is upon us:

The rest of FOK family have great recipes and videos.

I love all kinds of HUMMUS.

Yummy, satisfying burgers,  add raw onions and pickles….maybe hot sauce

I am also a fan of John McDougall and the associated recipes. Lots of starches- satisfying and filling.

I love beans and this is a great base food or foundation for other combos.





Salt a necessary Evil ? Can you balance Sodium needs and salt content with Taste ? October 17, 2018

I have difficulty when I eat too much salt/sodium. Years ago I had some difficulty with stiff joints and fluid retention in areas injured years before, when I ate too many salty foods.

This is still a challenge BUT my current diagnosis of heart failure and Atrial fibrillation ( A Fib)  brings the intake of salt back to the forefront with much more that a little joint discomfort. When i have too much sodium I notice it in my breathing and sleep and spend the next day eating fresh veggies and fruit and trying to sweat( or get to the gym) .

So what is the expert view? Or at least another view or 2

Found a few videos with info.

Quick video on some problems with salt intake and sodium in the body.

This video mentions 2300 mgs. as the target but some think that is too little. Look into personal needs and discuss with doctor and nutritionist/ dietitian. Get professional help- with expert that is familiar with your diagnosis and activity levels. I exercise and sweat a lot But still have to be careful.

Personally I avoid processed / boxed foods and limit salty snacks like ,movie popcorn, to a monthly splurge.

This video lets us know what we need, according to the makers.


Now I am a big fan of the movies and a bowl of popcorn….I only get it if i can go to the gym or for a hike/walk and sweat it out right after. Luckily my gym is in the same center as my favorite theater.

But I continually study ways to improve / maximize my health so i will add more on salt or maybe focus on the good minerals like potassium and magnesium.



Heart Failure- Help yourself, Share and Help a Friend October 10, 2018

While living with Heart Failure and Atrial Fibrillation I exercise and eat right and read and learn about my situation and how to overcome it. … I am going further to adapt my life and lifestyle to the diagnosis but so far so good.

I  have more weight to lose and need to more fully change my life but I will continue to share things I find and like , even if I only like or learn a small thing

The following video had 2-3 good things and plenty of useful basics.


Just focusing on exercise… Good in moderation= build up to what fits for you.  Why?




Strengthen and Rebuild Lung Function and Power September 26, 2018

This was originally created to help a friend having some lung/coughing problems possibly related to EIA , a childhood with smoking parents and high altitude endurance running.

…….[Dietary Changes to rebuild lungs (after illness or smoking) and deal with EIA (Exercise Induced Asthma)]

Exercise , especially extended endurance work leaves muscles and the lungs inflamed. This is not necessarily a problem but continued use/overuse can lead to discomfort, illness or damage.

Foods and Drinks to improve Lung Function and Recovery:

  1. Tomatoes – Cooked and Raw , Cooked fresh tomatoes are best But low salt canned diced or chopped tomatoes are good.
  2. Apples- raw with skin, cooked with skin, homemade applesauce, baked apples ( not pie)
  3. Onions and Garlic- as much as you can stand…add to salad, sandwich, omelet ad especially to soup/stew.
  4. Berries – cranberries,blueberries, raspberies,strawberries,cetc..
  5. Citrus- fruit {limited juice but fresh squeezed} Lemon juice added to water or tea is the exception
  6. cabbage family veggies (brassicas for the nerdy among us) brussels sprouts, broccoli, bok choi, cabbage( green and red), Kale
  7. Ginger -great in soups/stews and added to tea also great as a “tea” on its own.
  8. Green and Black tea- great hot when lung inflammation is active add lemon juice and fresh grated ginger for a BiG Bang impact. Iced tea can be a great recovery drink to rebuild inflamed lung and related cardiovascular tissue. Especially if brewed with a sliced lemon and 3/4” piece of slice ginger.  [plus ginger is noted to be anti-inflammatory for musculoskeltal discomfort]
  9. Darky Leafy greens- collard,kales,spinach, mustard, dandelion ( great added to soups or with soup served on top)
  10. Popular superfoods chlorella and spirulina have great reputation for recovery benefits
  11. cayenne pepper – fresh is best but powdered has efficacy as well( just less Vitamin C)
  12. Peppermint – added to tea, or foods/dressing…or leaves chewed like gum or candy
  13. Root vegetable- sweet potatoes, beets, parsnips, turnips, carrots ( with skin)


  • Canned and Processed meats
  • Fast Food
  • Excessive Iodized salt (limited sea salt ok)
  • carbonated beverages
  • sugar( products with processed sugar)







ABs-solutely Need to Work the Gut and Core September 5, 2018

I was reading and discussing the basics if fitness and health with a friend and we decided that gut health and training was the basis for a solid program. Now it is COOL these days to focus on core instead of just the belly and I agree with that.

The core include belly, back side and hips. Being comfortable fit in this area translates to power in the gym, balance during life and fitness activities and healthy spine/ back.

ghere will be more posts but I tripped into the following video and played with the move displayed and agree that it will have great benefit for me.  AND HOPEFULLY FOR YOU .

Simple complete ab move:





PUSH -Me ,Pull -You – Resistance training Plans, or Weightlifting with Dr. Doolittle, Pt. 2 August 29, 2018

Weightlifting as an adult presents a variety of challenges. The key challenge is time. Once that is addressed we have to decide on our goals.  How much time do you have when you do get to the gym and what do you want to do with IT??

There will be little reference to goals but focus on the general idea of moves to use to reach the plethora of goals available in the gym. Future posts will address some different goals.

The workout foundation I am suggesting is based on a 4 ( maybe 3) day a week visit to the gym. For the 4 day rotation: Days 1 – 3 do~workout A, Days 2 -4 do~workout B.

You will be focusing on different body-parts on the different pairs of days. Another thought- You can do a variety of abdominal/core exercise at every workout. Though a changing variety for 1/3 and 2/4 would be best.

This post is focused on the push exercises and push movements. The obvious king here is the PUSH UP. Simple to do anywhere and at any time.

The following list of PUSH moves is basic but comprehensive.

Information about the moves and variations can be found with a trainer or at bookstore or on the web. The same is available for specific workout plans.


Push ups :    Push Ups are performed in a prone position (faced own to ground) by raising and lowering the body using the arms. Hand position can vary but the basic is hands placed beside and slightly in front of the shoulder when face down.

Bench Press(chest press) :   Lie flat on your back on the bench with a barbell  grasped in both hands. Bring the bar to the chest and press it upward. Like many moves this can be varied with hand position or on an inclined bench to change to muscle interaction or with dumbbells or exercise bands..

Dips ( parallel bar dips) : Dips are usually performed on equipment designed for use in this movement. Grab the bars on both sides and lower your body until shoulders just above the bar/hands and return to the top. Can be performed between chairs or posts or with hands behind  your body on a bench.

Shoulder press :   Grab the barbell at shoulder height and width ( can be seated or standing) and press the bar overhead. It is the lowered to the starting position . Control must be maintained at all times.  This can be done with specialized equipment at the gym or dumbbells, kettlebells or bands.

Lateral chest raises(Flyes) :  This movement is performed on the back on a bench, starting weights extended above the chest, touching. The arms are lowered through an arc  to a spot slightly below the chest, with arm nearly parallel to the floor, and returning to the top starting position. Can be performed with a specialized machine, with cables or on an incline bench.

Lateral Raises (forward) :  This movement is usually done with dumbbells (but cables or bands can be used)  The movement starts with the arms straight, and the weight in the hands at the side of the body. The body is in a slight forward-leaning position with hips and knees bent a little. Arms are  slightly bent, and raised through an arc until even with the shoulders.  Can be performed laterally ( sideways) or forward for a varied impact.

Learn to do these exercises and the matching Pull moves and create a total body workout that will lead to general fitness or a competitive body building prep workout.

