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Massage, Yoga and other Activities to Help Runners October 29, 2014

Filed under: Cross Training,diet,Health,massage,yoga — bigfootmarty @ 10:35 pm
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I( was having a recent discussion, actually discussions , with different friends about what is the makeup of the best fitness/health program.

Can one live on running alone? do we need to include cross-training, bodywork or other recovery tools?

Running 30-45 minute 4-5 days a week may be the perfect and complete fitness program, but as soon as a few muscles get tight or sore or you start dragging because you have no energy…you need to take a look and an expanded program with some broad based parts .

I included yoga, massage and food ideas in this post But there are so many more ideas.

-Cross Training- bike, swim, row, weight lift…

-sports like tennis, raquetball, golf etc get you moving and stress some other bodyparts

– meditation, hiking, pilates and other popular activites.

Massage has numerous benefits for basic health and some specific uses for athletes.

A.    http://www.worldrunning.com/articles/sports-massage-benefits-for-runners/

B.  http://www.runnersworld.com/injury-prevention-recovery/benefits-of-massage-for-runners?cm_mmc=NL-Beginners-_-1617442-_-03052014-_-Benefits-of-Massage-for-Runners

C.   http://running.competitor.com/2013/12/injury-prevention/the-four-best-types-of-massage-for-runners_60280

Yoga is great and can be done at home after a little study or a couple of classes. You can always go to the studio as well, but be careful which studio-and the focus of the instructor.

A.   http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/yoga/poses/yoga-for-runners/?page=6

B.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXTK5sit6c8&feature=related

C.  http://www.yogajournal.com/uncategorized/more-reasons-athtletes-need-yoga/

And of course the idea of food and fuel and diet can be addressed and some thoughts tossed around. Nothing here is a proposal or endorsement- just some recently found writings.

1. http://makehealthiest.wordpress.com/2013/10/29/vegetarian-diet-plan-for-runners/

2. http://www.fitnessrepublic.com/running/top-10-best-foods-for-runners.html

3. http://www.livestrong.com/article/459158-a-diet-for-runners-over-40-years/