We RUN USA !!!

Goals, Running, Life, Spirit, Fitness and Health in the USA

Get Walking September 28, 2016

Filed under: fitness,Think,Walk-Run,Walking,Weight Loss — bigfootmarty @ 7:36 pm
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While rehabbing  a leg injury I have been doing a lot of walking and preparing to run again. The injury may limit my future running so I decided to look deeper into walking and the benefits of this aerobic activity.

  • Walking can be done on all he same terrain as running so muscular / structural benefits re the same.
  • Many races allow for walkers as long as you maintain a pace that will allow you to finish within the set time limits
  • Walking usually puts less stress on the body and therefore may be pursued for later in life for most “runners”.

Walking burns calories and builds muscle in much the same way as running…..walk/run faster and burn more calories per hour//mile.  Looking at basic numbers for folks concentrating on health and fitness as well as weight maintenance the math is equivalent.


In very general terms for very “general” people— Running will burn 100 calories per mile. Walking on the other hand or flip side of the same hand…. will burn 60-75 calories per mile.

The most important factors impacting calorie burn are bodyweight, body fat and effort level. There is a minor gender difference as well.  A 200 lb. person at a an easy speed (2-4 mph) can  burn 106 calories, a 300 lb. person might  burn 160 cals.

The same 2 people might  burn  127 and 190 calories at 4-6 mph.

This article has some good total calorie vs. body weight vs. effort level while walking.


The following article has great info on walking for fitness.



So grab your shoes and get walking.



Summer Running-Race Prep..How is Your Body? September 5, 2016

Filed under: Cross Training,diet,fitness,massage,Recovery,Think — bigfootmarty @ 4:54 pm
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In many parts of the #USA the local race scene is put on hold until the Fall. But training continues and runners all over prepare for Fall/Winter races during the summer months.

If you have maintained proper hydration and used  sensible plan your training should going well and you might be ready for the fall race season . If you have trained reasonably then you should be in good condition, but so few people actually train properly for their lifestyle and physical specifics and lots of people join the walking[or running] wounded.

If you re among the many walking wounded there are some things you can do to get over it and continue to run. See your doctor as need d and do what they suggest but some of these can be used to healthy exercise and running program.

ICE packs -Great info on custom made ice packs to fit you and your injuries.

-have pain in both knees and a shin, 3 ice packs will get ex0pensive- Make 3 for ~$5-6
