We RUN USA !!!

Goals, Running, Life, Spirit, Fitness and Health in the USA

Heart Failure, A Fib and Weight Loss November 19, 2018

I have been living with AND AWARE of my Atrial Fibrillation ( AFib ) induced heart failure for about 18 months and I have seen benefits of a proper diet and exercise as well as the results when I slip.

I had a small health setback and put on a bunch of the weight I had lost and am feeling the effects of the AFib more and more. Focusing on diet ,low salt and low fat hav helped , but combining with exercise and weight loss will return me to the path of health.

The following video talks about the benefit of even a 10% reduction in weight. Since my BMI is up there and my weight is too, my ultimate loss could be as high as 35%.


I am enjoying the current trip to health but want to create a lifestyle that will keep me in a comfortable zone.

Dr. Gupta discusses the benefit of diet, good sleep, stress reduction and exercise for both the weight loss and AFib reduction. I see the above package as a team or total prescription. ..exercise helps sleep and stress, less stress helps sleep and diet, good diet gives energy and well being….

It all builds on the other and I look forward to,the journey.

A quick video on exercise… https://youtu.be/aHqfgs5lEGk.



Learning about Type 2 Diabetes November 14, 2018

I am a heart patient and am currently in Heart failure with Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) and many of the folks I am in contact with that are also dealing with heart issues are dealing with Type 2.

Fortunately I am not,but since I am still overweight it is always a threat. We discuss food and diet and recipes all of the time. Exercise is also a significant factor and is often at the center of our conversations.

I have looked at many video and blogs and sites for information. I want to list share a few here and maybe later a a listing.

HIIT , High Intensity Interval Training- comes up frequently as a tool for diabetics to beat the problem. 10 seconds intense/ 30 seconds easy for 30 minutes. On Treadmill,bicycle, elliptical etc… intense = full capable sped for you…NOW.


Another interesting video discussing muscle building with resistance( weight lifting) training and exercise.


Fruits for diabetes and health.


Full meal idea,plans,,,


More to come ,thanks.

If you have any questions or suggestions…let them fly below. THANKS


ABs-solutely Need to Work the Gut and Core September 5, 2018

I was reading and discussing the basics if fitness and health with a friend and we decided that gut health and training was the basis for a solid program. Now it is COOL these days to focus on core instead of just the belly and I agree with that.

The core include belly, back side and hips. Being comfortable fit in this area translates to power in the gym, balance during life and fitness activities and healthy spine/ back.

ghere will be more posts but I tripped into the following video and played with the move displayed and agree that it will have great benefit for me.  AND HOPEFULLY FOR YOU .

Simple complete ab move:





PUSH -Me ,Pull -You – Resistance training Plans, or Weightlifting with Dr. Doolittle, Pt. 2 August 29, 2018

Weightlifting as an adult presents a variety of challenges. The key challenge is time. Once that is addressed we have to decide on our goals.  How much time do you have when you do get to the gym and what do you want to do with IT??

There will be little reference to goals but focus on the general idea of moves to use to reach the plethora of goals available in the gym. Future posts will address some different goals.

The workout foundation I am suggesting is based on a 4 ( maybe 3) day a week visit to the gym. For the 4 day rotation: Days 1 – 3 do~workout A, Days 2 -4 do~workout B.

You will be focusing on different body-parts on the different pairs of days. Another thought- You can do a variety of abdominal/core exercise at every workout. Though a changing variety for 1/3 and 2/4 would be best.

This post is focused on the push exercises and push movements. The obvious king here is the PUSH UP. Simple to do anywhere and at any time.

The following list of PUSH moves is basic but comprehensive.

Information about the moves and variations can be found with a trainer or at bookstore or on the web. The same is available for specific workout plans.


Push ups :    Push Ups are performed in a prone position (faced own to ground) by raising and lowering the body using the arms. Hand position can vary but the basic is hands placed beside and slightly in front of the shoulder when face down.

Bench Press(chest press) :   Lie flat on your back on the bench with a barbell  grasped in both hands. Bring the bar to the chest and press it upward. Like many moves this can be varied with hand position or on an inclined bench to change to muscle interaction or with dumbbells or exercise bands..

Dips ( parallel bar dips) : Dips are usually performed on equipment designed for use in this movement. Grab the bars on both sides and lower your body until shoulders just above the bar/hands and return to the top. Can be performed between chairs or posts or with hands behind  your body on a bench.

Shoulder press :   Grab the barbell at shoulder height and width ( can be seated or standing) and press the bar overhead. It is the lowered to the starting position . Control must be maintained at all times.  This can be done with specialized equipment at the gym or dumbbells, kettlebells or bands.

Lateral chest raises(Flyes) :  This movement is performed on the back on a bench, starting weights extended above the chest, touching. The arms are lowered through an arc  to a spot slightly below the chest, with arm nearly parallel to the floor, and returning to the top starting position. Can be performed with a specialized machine, with cables or on an incline bench.

Lateral Raises (forward) :  This movement is usually done with dumbbells (but cables or bands can be used)  The movement starts with the arms straight, and the weight in the hands at the side of the body. The body is in a slight forward-leaning position with hips and knees bent a little. Arms are  slightly bent, and raised through an arc until even with the shoulders.  Can be performed laterally ( sideways) or forward for a varied impact.

Learn to do these exercises and the matching Pull moves and create a total body workout that will lead to general fitness or a competitive body building prep workout.




Grip Strength : Helps with Deadlifts,Pull-ups and Games August 17, 2018

Performance improvement with moves like pull ups and deadlifts ( even rows) can be assisted with a careful focus on improving and maintaining grip strength.

It can be difficult to add reps on the,pull up bar when your hands give out after “holding your butt” in the air for 20-30 seconds. A powerful grip also allows you and your body to focus on performance of the move without concentration directed at holding on…..for dear life.

Eliminate the worry about grip and focus on …ONE MORE REP…..OR 19 more.

The following are some of my favorites:

Plate Squeeze (smooth side out) – grab 2 weight plates smooth side out and hold them a set length of time [ do so over padded floor in case you let go] – a) stand in place b) plates in both hands and walk c) lift as if doing dumbbell curl

Farmers walk ( dumbbell, plates, barbell) – grab a moderately heavy weight, in both hands and walk 10 strides and turn around

Hex Hold ( dumbbell by the end) – Grab dumbbell by the weight( fat end,sometimes hex shaped) and hold.

Dead Hang ( pull-up bar, pull-up bar with towel or squat pad ) – grab overhead bar and …HANG … As long as you can or a few sets of timed hangs. Increase the difficulty with a towel or pad to make the bar THICKER, to,further challenge the grip

Wrist roller- if gym has one, do rolls forward and reverse grip to increase impact

Great basic grip exercises , discussed above:

13 grip strength exercises( good stuff but may be overkill)

Add a few grip exercises or get serious and a full plan of moves and sets/reps. It will pay off. In my own fitness efforts the grip training also keeps my hands nimble and flexible as I injured many fingers during a youthful athletic career and want them to work until I now longer need them…



Are You a Runner or a Jogger ? August 14, 2018

I have often heard folks who run regularly “put down” folks that jog. They seem to think jogging is some how inherently LESS than running….or joggers are not up to the same “level” as runners.

When a person has a pair of sneakers, tennis shoes or running shoes on (depends on where you live, RIGHT??) and is on the road or track or treadmill they are , we are all the same …AT THAT MOMENT.... Are you running or jogging?

We are all working out / exercising and becoming more healthy and fit.

Joggers go out on the road track or treadmill regularly but usually have a smaller chance of injury because they tend to take it easier with each workout. Many of us “joggers” have chosen to be joggers to take it easy and exercise with focus on fun and fat and not time and performance. I have run in well over 100 races, but as a one time football player…the running is strictly for fun and fitness( physical and psychological )

Many runners and joggers share the same silly, shiny sweat resistant clothes, funny shoes and even crazy electronics. Let’s share the love and move and seat together.



Heart Health videos July 11, 2018

Saw a quickie video with information about exercise and heart health

A short video with some discussion of Cardio machines….that I agree with….

I love the rower and the Stairmaster or StepMill ( one company name) and enjoy the Arc Trainer ( an option for elliptical trainer)



Starting Back at the Gym – June 6, 2018

I was going to a local gym but had to take a break for some work and life interruptions, now I rejoined another gym and it is going well. I have been there a week and have lost several pounds so far..

I believe that I eat better as a result of the lifestyle that a workout plan and visits to the gym create. Now I will develop and create my workout.  I have weight loss and health  plans and ultimately I will utilize much more of the equipment at the gym

Step 1- Get up off the couch, push away from the donut counter

Step 2- Start with some basic cardio . I love the rowing machine, step machine , Arc Trainer and elliptical

Step 3- Look at the equipment in the gym and learned how to use it

Step 4 – Find a workout plan- online or get help at the gym or buy a few books

Step 5- Go to the gym 3-6 days a week and HAVE FUN….you will want to come back.






BROKEN HEART FITNESS – Fitness Group for Cardiac and Heart Patients  June 15, 2017

Broken Heart was the first name that came to mind. It doesn’t say the heart is done, just that it is broken in some way and can be improved or maintained. 

A fitness club or workout group that is focused  on cardiac issues relating to diet and exercise is an obvious group and many fitness clubs and groups address cardiac wellness and health in general . A group of this nature would focus specifically improving and / or maintaining the heart health , especially after a diagnosis of heart failure or heart disease.

Organizing, leading or supporting a helpful group provides the volunteers (some that are experts – interested patients or family members ) the opportunity to give back while also improving personal cardiac health and strength as needed. Service in the support of others is what we are here for.

God designed us to give or lend strength to others and those in need. It is one of the ways we fulfill His great Commandment : love other people as much as we love ourselves .  Heart Patients, heart experts and other interested persons can assist a group in organizing and succeeding.

The club/ group is being formed with the goals of :

  1. Assist all members in achieving fitness goals
  2. Promote best total health for all members
  3. Provide diet and food guidance and support
  4. Support lifestyle changes necessary for recovery and strength

If interested please follow up with comments and we will reply via email. 


Some Secondary Goals as I Return to Fitness and Health. May 21, 2017

I realized the other day that I need to expand my set of goals and objectives for my current fitness journey. The obvious and most pressing is strengthening the heart and lungs, the entire cardio-pulmonary system, as a result of my heart failure diagnosis. As that is going forward I need to expand the focus to  total body program .

I need to :

  1. increase knee flexibility and suppleness
  2. add some speed and even “jump”
  3. total body flexibility ( exercises and maybe Yoga)

The following videos address some of my personal concerns with my knees as I start over and get BACK in shape. I find that my knees have been stiff and occasionally sore. As I continue to exercise I will do these moves to help the knees…which will help me continue. I have also joined a gym @Snapfitness and I have used the bike and rower ( @Concept2 ) for knee relieving cardio. Some workouts I combine cardio tools for increased burn and reduced stress on knees.

In the long “run” my body will improve and knees will feel great as I maintain a steady weight loss and fitness program . Lower body weight will stress the knees much less , and since i have already dropped 100+ pounds the knees feel pretty good.

VIDEO: A few exercises to help keep the knees healthy and flexible

VIDEO: Specific exercise for the knees


Now I will address the 2nd and 3rd item in more depth later but here are  few related links.









More to come- add any questions or suggestions- always love to learn and grow.

