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It is Farmers Market Season…garden time.. April 1, 2019

In Charlottesville Virginia we have a great and fun resource that has been around for 30+ years and it returns this week.

The Charlottesville City market (Farmers Market PLUS) starts this Saturday, April 6,2019.


The Facebook page keeps us updated with the schedule as well as fun activities during the season.

Market onions

There is nothing like an onion fresh from the ground the day or so before.  The early offering include bets and greens and cabbages, along with young turnips and asparagus.

The season proceeds and summer crops arrive with tomatoes,peppers , cucumbers and fruits.

An intermediate fruit offering will be the strawberries. the season is vigorous if short lived.

The City Market also features prepared foods and beautiful crafts in a wide variety of media.

Market Strawberries

Asparagus and strawberries from last year.

Now that the season is approaching….what will be the first purchase this year?




Staying Fit ( or just Healthy) During Cold and Flu Season…with AFib (atrial fibrillation) February 19, 2019

I have spent the last few months on the edge of a full blown winter cold. A small sniffle here and a teasing cough there. The whole time i have been in some level of fear since 2 years ago- I entered winter with a pretty bad cold(bronchitis later) and emerged in spring in HEART FAILURE- AFIB (atrial fibrillation) and been dealing with it since then.

I survived the winter of 2017-18 without any illness but just before the Christmas holiday I started feeling the twinge in my chest and throat.

Now the fear crept in and I started with tea and juice. I am concerned with the empty calories in juice BUT also concerned with getting a chest cold so I water down OJ, Grapefruit and grape juice with seltzer. It gives me plenty of fluids and the vitamins- Speaking of vitamins I add more supplements to my intake as the lungs feel “funny”.

I fought the cold ll season BUT still ended with a full blown cough- that occasionally kept me awake. This year the cough never progressed beyond the pain in the butt stage But it was still there and it added congestion to my chest that was already compromised in breathing due to the Afib. The pumping of blood through the upper chambers of my heart is out of whack and I often have mild difficulty catching my breath. This winter has been a minor breathing challenge.

I have also noticed an increase in weight, most likely due to water retention. Since I have had trouble have not been to the gym nor done much other exercise. That usually helps when I detect bloating. A good sweat helps.


I found this article on PINTEREST…similar to other info I have read.











Salt a necessary Evil ? Can you balance Sodium needs and salt content with Taste ? October 17, 2018

I have difficulty when I eat too much salt/sodium. Years ago I had some difficulty with stiff joints and fluid retention in areas injured years before, when I ate too many salty foods.

This is still a challenge BUT my current diagnosis of heart failure and Atrial fibrillation ( A Fib)  brings the intake of salt back to the forefront with much more that a little joint discomfort. When i have too much sodium I notice it in my breathing and sleep and spend the next day eating fresh veggies and fruit and trying to sweat( or get to the gym) .

So what is the expert view? Or at least another view or 2

Found a few videos with info.

Quick video on some problems with salt intake and sodium in the body.

This video mentions 2300 mgs. as the target but some think that is too little. Look into personal needs and discuss with doctor and nutritionist/ dietitian. Get professional help- with expert that is familiar with your diagnosis and activity levels. I exercise and sweat a lot But still have to be careful.

Personally I avoid processed / boxed foods and limit salty snacks like ,movie popcorn, to a monthly splurge.

This video lets us know what we need, according to the makers.


Now I am a big fan of the movies and a bowl of popcorn….I only get it if i can go to the gym or for a hike/walk and sweat it out right after. Luckily my gym is in the same center as my favorite theater.

But I continually study ways to improve / maximize my health so i will add more on salt or maybe focus on the good minerals like potassium and magnesium.



Strengthen and Rebuild Lung Function and Power September 26, 2018

This was originally created to help a friend having some lung/coughing problems possibly related to EIA , a childhood with smoking parents and high altitude endurance running.

…….[Dietary Changes to rebuild lungs (after illness or smoking) and deal with EIA (Exercise Induced Asthma)]

Exercise , especially extended endurance work leaves muscles and the lungs inflamed. This is not necessarily a problem but continued use/overuse can lead to discomfort, illness or damage.

Foods and Drinks to improve Lung Function and Recovery:

  1. Tomatoes – Cooked and Raw , Cooked fresh tomatoes are best But low salt canned diced or chopped tomatoes are good.
  2. Apples- raw with skin, cooked with skin, homemade applesauce, baked apples ( not pie)
  3. Onions and Garlic- as much as you can stand…add to salad, sandwich, omelet ad especially to soup/stew.
  4. Berries – cranberries,blueberries, raspberies,strawberries,cetc..
  5. Citrus- fruit {limited juice but fresh squeezed} Lemon juice added to water or tea is the exception
  6. cabbage family veggies (brassicas for the nerdy among us) brussels sprouts, broccoli, bok choi, cabbage( green and red), Kale
  7. Ginger -great in soups/stews and added to tea also great as a “tea” on its own.
  8. Green and Black tea- great hot when lung inflammation is active add lemon juice and fresh grated ginger for a BiG Bang impact. Iced tea can be a great recovery drink to rebuild inflamed lung and related cardiovascular tissue. Especially if brewed with a sliced lemon and 3/4” piece of slice ginger.  [plus ginger is noted to be anti-inflammatory for musculoskeltal discomfort]
  9. Darky Leafy greens- collard,kales,spinach, mustard, dandelion ( great added to soups or with soup served on top)
  10. Popular superfoods chlorella and spirulina have great reputation for recovery benefits
  11. cayenne pepper – fresh is best but powdered has efficacy as well( just less Vitamin C)
  12. Peppermint – added to tea, or foods/dressing…or leaves chewed like gum or candy
  13. Root vegetable- sweet potatoes, beets, parsnips, turnips, carrots ( with skin)


  • Canned and Processed meats
  • Fast Food
  • Excessive Iodized salt (limited sea salt ok)
  • carbonated beverages
  • sugar( products with processed sugar)







Ginger- not just for cookies…(and bread men) December 5, 2017

Ginger is one of my favorite foods, spices and plants( fun to grow).

It tastes great- I recall early Asian food experiences when i asked ,”what is that flavor?”

Ginger is healthy for some of the following reasons and probably many more. Many of these suggestions are still in research stages but others have years and even eons of useful evidence.

  1. Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidants benefits of a part of the root (rhizome I know)
  2. the above is helpful for muscle aches and arthritis and other -ITIS’S…
  3. Has shown beneficial impact on blood sugar for diabetics and others
  4. may help reduce cholesterol
  5. long time use for nausea- helpful for chemo therapy patients, pregnant ladies and sea travelers as well as cold and flu season .
  6. Studies are being conducted to verify as an aid for brain function and dementia prevention
  7. Ginger has also shown benefits for infection fighting and prevention, especially oral infections and dental issues.


Candied ginger is a great way to get the benefit of ginger everyday- and share it as a  gift as well( it is Christmas season BTW)


A variety of recipes to use and enjoy ginger and improve your life and health.

10 Amazing Ginger-Based Recipes!





A FIB, Atrial Fibrillation – Getting the Rhythm Back June 11, 2017

I have been writing lately about my diagnosis of heart failure / Atrial Fibrillation {A Fib} and the reasons I was unable to breathe comfortably at the beginning of March ( actually I was struggling and living a risky life for a few weeks before). Now that the diagnosis is in, I have the opportunity to overcome the problems that led to it and prepare for and live a healthy life.

The first situation was a 10 day stay in the hospital where the primary concern was helping me breathe easily again. This was achieved through an intensive medical regimen-centered on diuretics to flush my body of excess fluids. I lost nearly 50 pounds of fluid during the hospital stay. I continued to flush and lost more than 100 pounds.

What else was done or is done to treat and /or deal with heart failure and AFib ? What was prescribed for me?

  1. Medical- While in the hospital the doctors tried a handful of medicines to see what would work and eventually I ended up with prescriptions for 2 blood pressure medications(anti-hypertensives) One and A.C.E. inhibitor and a Calcium Channel blocker. I have also been taking a baby aspirin as a blood thinner(platelet thinner) As well as continued use of a low dose diuretic to reduce fluid build up.  I have also been taking magnesium and potassium since these valuable electrolytes are often flushed with diuretic use.
  2. Exercise- Though it was not specifically “prescribed” I was determined to get back to working out and the doctors seemed to let me go. I was essentially starting over so I was not able to overdo things at the beginning, and now almost 3 months later, I still can not really overdo it when I walk or ride or row BUT I have been tempted to push it a little with the resistance exercises ( lifting weights/machines)  I have experienced an increase in strength and fitness as I do the work and have even felt the cardio-vascular fitness improve. I have short and long term goals that include completing another marathon….but today I hope to be able to walk 2 1/2 miles in the next few weeks.
  3. Lose Weight- The goal here is to reach a weight that puts my BMI in the right zone, allows me to walk and run with little or no pain in my knees and I can wear clothing sizes I have not looked at in years.  Though I have listed this as a separate prescription it goes hand in hand with #2 and #4- [exercise and diet] I also got  nice head start with the 100 pound fluid loss , reduce stress on knees and body and allow me to keep moving. I recently started using a Heart rate monitor(I will write about using it later).
  4. Diet- The dietary recommendations were simple….NO SALT….NO SALT…NO SALT with a secondary focus on limiting fluids to 64 oz a day and a final focus on eating a low fat, low sugar diet with a focus on veggies and fruits and whole grains. I have just started on a specific popular program for weight loss and heart health and will write about it later.                                 AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST
  5. CARDIOVERSION TREATMENT -Cardioversion is a medical procedure done to restore a normal heart rhythm for people who have certain types of abnormal heartbeats (arrhythmias). Cardioversion is most often done by sending electric shocks to your heart through electrodes placed on your chest. This may also be accomplished with medicines. This treatment will take place this week and i an eager for the results. I am curious how my fitness activities will feel when my heart is beating in a normal fashion.  http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/Arrhythmia/PreventionTreatmentofArrhythmia/Cardioversion_UCM_447318_Article.jsp#.WT1lTozyuM8




MAGNESIUM Poor ? , Eat Up for Your Heart and Body June 5, 2017

I recently wrote about potassium and what to eat to increase and/or maintain necessary levels in the body . Magnesium is a mineral that is also extremely important for physical health and vitality and especially for heart health.

Magnesium is in demand for enzyme function throughout the  body- at least 300 enzymes utilize Mg to function properly. There are hundreds ( thousands) of proteins that need Mg for proper binding function.

The heart uses more magnesium than all other organs and the maintenance of proper serum Mg levels limits promotes vigorous heart health and reduces high blood pressure, prevents arrhythmia ,cardiovascular disease and even sudden cardiac death.

Many people are deficient in magnesium ( 50-80%) and are at risk for diseases and symptoms related to magnesium deficiency.  

  • Dark leafy greens – spinach,chard, kale, mustard…
  • Nuts and seeds- almonds, walnuts, macadamias,pumpkin, sunflower, sesame
  • Bananas
  • Coffee- black 
  • Cacao and Dark chocolate
  • Beans/ Legumes- black beans, kidneys, pintos….
  • Whole grains
  • Figs
  • Potatoes 
  • Brassicas – broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale
  • Mackerel 

Here is some video information on Magnesium and the heart:



HEART FAILURE – OK Now Whats for Dinner? May 30, 2017

The diagnosis of heart failure is/was shocking but additional information and research revealed that :

  • it is not a death sentence
  • it can be lived with and
  • it can be overcome with diet and exercise

Now when I arrived at the hospital I could not walk 20 meters without being out of breath, the diagnosis was actually a relief before it was a shock.  I now knew why I felt so bad. AND the medical team made it clear that I  could overcome and even thrive.

A lifestyle change that includes adjustments in diet and an increase in exercise. The diet will be a lifestyle change “forever” not just temporarily reducing calories and  weight for now. It has been fun, learning some new foods and recipes.

There are 2 authors/physicians and cardiac experts that i have read about before and have read A LOT about recently.  Drs. Dean Ornish and John McDougall have been proponents of very low fat, plant-based/plant focused diets.

Dr.Ornish published a great book, EAT MORE, WEIGH LESS  and it is loaded with great recipes as well as tremendous common sense information with evidence that such a diet improves and even heals heart damage.

Dr.McDougall has 2 “cornerstone books” , MCDOUGALL PROGRAM FOR MAXIMUM WEIGHT LOSS and THE STARCH SOLUTION. Both focus on plant-based, low/no fat diet choices much like Dr.Ornish.

Where to find these guys?  search the web or go to:

  1. http://www.ornish.com
  2. http://www.drmcdougall.com


  • Beans- dried or canned (choose salt-free) – loaded with fiber and protein
  • Garlic – eat, add to foods and take as supplement
  • Spinach and Dark,leafy greens
  • nuts and seeds – good fats and loaded with minerals and protein (almonds,walnuts, brazils, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds
  • salmon- great omega fats as well as protein
  • soy protein- organic tofu, tempeh, miso , edamame beans
  • whole grains
  • fresh fruits and vegetables

A future post may include information on specific nutrients required for heart failure patients( magnesium, potassium, good fats).







Looking into Starting a Fitness Club for Heart Patients April 6, 2017

I have been walking and exercising and getting stronger at a slow and steady pace since my diagnosis with heart failure and Ateial fibrillation . With the medicines I have also lost significant weight, which I hope to keep,off with healthy lifestyle ( exercise and diet). 

The best thing about the current weight loss is of course easier breathing but a secondary benefit is the reduced stress on my legs when I go for a walk and eventually runs .  My knees have some damage from other sports and the loss of weight gives me a chance, an opportunity to workout and get fit and heal the heart, knees and body.

I have been part of running and training groups in the past and the group “pressure” and camaraderie made for a great dynamic. Therefore I thought a group of like minded ( and body) cardiac-heart Patients could support, push and help each other reach physical goals.  The goals include weight loss, restoring heart function , life extension and possibly overcoming the dis-ease with exercise and diet.

There might be some medical guidance needed but exch member will also be responsible for their own medical needs and controls.

I have sent an invite out with Craigslist and will see where and how,this goes.


Easy ways to Eat to Deal with Inflammation(and prevent it) March 24, 2016

In  an earlier post I gave a list of foods and herbs that have a it-inflammatory benefits when eaten.  The list is broad But far from complete.  Many of these foods have “relatives” that have similar benefits and often combine with these stars.

The list is:   Turmeric,Ginger, Garlic, Onions, Citrus Fruits, Berries, Tart Cherries, Omega 3 fatty acids– oils or in foods       

It is quite easy to figure out how to use citrus fruits and berries. Just grab and eat, but they can also be incoorated into other dishes and recipes.  

Add them to smoothies, make healthy puddings with chia seeds, juice and fruit, top green salads or get CRAZY and mix with spicy peppers to spread on other foods or even crackers. AND of course they can be used in recipes with the others on this all star list.

Tart cherries are super stars but may require effort to purchase. They can be found dried, in juice form or in cans (packed in water).   You may be able to find fresh and grocers may be able to find them for you. The juice makes a great base for a drink when combined with cold seltzer, turmeric and ginger. The cherries can also be combined in meals with other fruits and veggies especially salads. Salads that  have a dressing with an omega 3 oil will be exploding with benefits..

Garlic can be eaten, cook and s with and taken in supplement form. This combination allows one to consume the equivalent a bulb of garlic every day. Now having meals loaded with garlic and onions is quite delicious but doing so every day limits the breadth of dietary choices, and may limit the social life if everyone in your circle is not garlic loving.

Turmeric and ginger are my personal favorites ( at least today). It is a question much like asking a parent, “who is your favorite child?” , but I have had great success with turmeric and ginger for some time now. They are great seasonings and flavoring ingredients so they can be delivered to an inflamed body as part of a delicious curry or sauce, added to marinades, soups and stews. They can be used in dried form but they are also available in many areas as the fresh ” root”. The fresh versions can be chopped, or mashed or cut in to pieces for use.  Turmeric and ginger are also available in capsule form as a supplement. 

Currently my favorite way to consume turmeric, ginger and cinnamon is when powder is added to shaker bottle with ice, tart cherry juice and some water ( sometimes seltzer) and I drink 2-4 cups of this drink daily. Often add raw apple cider vinegar for the added benefit.