We RUN USA !!!

Goals, Running, Life, Spirit, Fitness and Health in the USA

Change Begins with Choice (thanks J.Rohn) June 20, 2017

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going”    -Jim Rohn

I read an article by Jim Rohn about making changes and how to go about it, even when it is difficult. The fact that it is easy to ignore  and take the easy path so it is true that we must make the decision, the choice first…..

In  recent medical WAKEUP I found I had developed heart failure and Atrial Fibrillation (A Fib) . The initial treatment focused on losing, flushing fluid from the body…a secondary benefit of that was a loss of weight. This benefit showed itself when I began exercising and walking. A drop of 50 then 70 and now over 100 pounds has reduced the strain on my body, knees and legs allowing me to workout more frequently.

The cardio workouts are strengthening my heart and lungs and the weightlifting is strengthening the body and spirit…I love walking and running BUT pushing weights is a BLAST.  As I lost a lot of fluid weight and it is still gone- now I workout and lose the Fat and Gristle and continue to drop the weight, move towards a target body-weight and body shape for my 80 inch body .  Time to decide on where to settle but for now somewhere in the 245-250 lb neighborhood is the target.

Looking at the article by Mr.Rohn- I need to make the decision everyday to workout and eat properly. This will help develop the HABIT to allow for success in the process and later maintaining the target fitness level.

Will use this and other Rohn ideas and writings for setting and achieving goals and success.




Heart Failure, Heart Health and Nutrients- POTASSIUM May 31, 2017

Now that I am continuing my challenge with heat failure, and since I am continuing to use diuretics the potential for flushing necessary nutrients from my system grows every day. 2 of the more important minerals are POTASSIUM and MAGNESIUM.  This post will focus on getting enough potassium back in our bodies.


Low potassium levels can cause muscle weakness and heart rhythm disturbances. Reduced potassium can lead to -HYPOKALEMIA-  which can cause muscle cramps, muscle aches and muscle weakness(as noted above). The heart is a muscle so cramps and weakness can be problematic. Another symptom is heart palpitations.

We can end up with reduced/low potassium as the result of the medicines we take to deal with our cardiac issues.

With all this concern- where can we get potassium in our diet?


  • potatoes and sweet potatoes    600-900 mgs (depending on serving size)
  • beans                                             400-600
  • dried apricots                              500-1500
  • avocado                                        700-900
  • banana                                          400
  • dark leafy greens                         150-200
  • Squash-winter                              350-500
  • mushrooms                                    100-300


With a thoughtful but simple combination of the foods we can rest assured that we have enough potassium in our system to prevent any serious challenge with our hearts.

What will you add to your daily diet?



Early Morning Motivation [or What gets You going} July 13, 2014



Old shoes….useful for muddy work along stream and the trail

Of course the title assumes (ass out of…) you are a morning runner, like I am, {if not apply to your daily plan]
I ALWAyS wake up early- usually close to 4. This was especially bothersome to my parents but they figured a way to keep me quiet…But it was helpful in college when sleep was a silly luxury. 
Since most of us are busy – finding the daily time slot to exercise is a challenge but not impossible- I am blessed to survive on the sleep I get so early a.m. is my workout time slot.
Most days I get up and GO !!!  But some days I am up BUT turning on the “motor” (or as the song says- “get the motor runnin, ..”
Some days I hit the bike, others I take a hike on local trails or just go for a walk….I need to move and get a dog so I can have the dog-walk option for low motivation days.
1} How do you start your workout
-get dressed
2} Do you have to trick yourself? (fake it til you make it?)\
-pretend you feel good
-Just go and see how IT feels
-do another activity
3} Push through until it is OK
4} Skip it and double up tomorrow (not recommended 😉   )
5} Reward yourself for ongoing persistence
-Do you reward milestones
-Big or little
6} Do you have Goals?  
-How do they help/hinder/hurt you?
As for me- my legs feeling solid and running/workouts going well- Need to Just do it like some company says.

4 years since Last Marathon but another leg surgery since ….last race. February 23, 2014

I started running ( for fun and fitness) after many years of using it for football and basketball stamina building. During that time I endured several leg injuries and 8 leg surgeries (7 knee and one foot/ankle) and knew that reasonable exercise and running would be helpful in maintaining leg mobility and ultimately the legs I was born with.

I know of several 40-50 something former footballers with knee or hip replacements and i fully intend to keep what I have. I don’ta have all of the original equipment but I don’t want any more.


Broken Fibula-Nov.2012 – plate and screws installed

I did have a small mishap with my leg and had it rebuilt/repaired at the end of 2011.   Feels pretty good   chines buffet afterwards.


New hardware in ONE leg- will it throw me off balance?

Comfy with 5-7 miles now so I may target a 24 week safe prep plan.

Week one 4 days with long run of 5-6

Week 3 – 4 days w/ long run of 6-7

Week 5 Long run= 7-8,   Week 7 = 7-9, Week 9 = 7-9 again for safe keeping

Week 11 10-11,   Week 13 = 12 , Week 15 = 13-14 , Week 17 = 13-14 for Safekeeping again.

Week 19 = 15-16,  Week 21 = 18-19  , Week 23 = 18-19 and settle in for easy attempt at the race

During this program Even Weeks (2-4-6…)will be 4 days and weekend long run will be 6 until week 12  and 8 miles for week 12 until 20.

Following the Jeff Galloway plan of Running/Walking


2014- What to do this year- As a Runner? Make Running a “Business” ???’s January 2, 2014

Filed under: Blogs/Articles,Thoughts / Meditations,Training — bigfootmarty @ 2:46 am
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New years resolutions or just planning for the next 12 months??

Since the leg feels pretty good . Has been 24 months since the plate was out in my fibula to repair the shattered bone.

I have been doing a bunch of writing and working on a couple of books and now trying to pump out the blog posts as well.

I have 2 writing projects ( books) that are about running or running related and will finish and publish sell this year.

-Pain Free running

-Food and Fitness


– Some info for beginners(always useful for experienced runners as well:


– I like the idea in his books and website(music good too):


I will share some pieces/sections here and read a smuch as possible to find places to go and things to write about.

-Also for dealing with any boo-boos that have presented themselves in the past.Things to learn and use for posts and books.
