We RUN USA !!!

Goals, Running, Life, Spirit, Fitness and Health in the USA

Summer Running-Race Prep..How is Your Body? September 5, 2016

Filed under: Cross Training,diet,fitness,massage,Recovery,Think — bigfootmarty @ 4:54 pm
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In many parts of the #USA the local race scene is put on hold until the Fall. But training continues and runners all over prepare for Fall/Winter races during the summer months.

If you have maintained proper hydration and used  sensible plan your training should going well and you might be ready for the fall race season . If you have trained reasonably then you should be in good condition, but so few people actually train properly for their lifestyle and physical specifics and lots of people join the walking[or running] wounded.

If you re among the many walking wounded there are some things you can do to get over it and continue to run. See your doctor as need d and do what they suggest but some of these can be used to healthy exercise and running program.

ICE packs -Great info on custom made ice packs to fit you and your injuries.

-have pain in both knees and a shin, 3 ice packs will get ex0pensive- Make 3 for ~$5-6






Massage, Yoga and other Activities to Help Runners October 29, 2014

Filed under: Cross Training,diet,Health,massage,yoga — bigfootmarty @ 10:35 pm
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I( was having a recent discussion, actually discussions , with different friends about what is the makeup of the best fitness/health program.

Can one live on running alone? do we need to include cross-training, bodywork or other recovery tools?

Running 30-45 minute 4-5 days a week may be the perfect and complete fitness program, but as soon as a few muscles get tight or sore or you start dragging because you have no energy…you need to take a look and an expanded program with some broad based parts .

I included yoga, massage and food ideas in this post But there are so many more ideas.

-Cross Training- bike, swim, row, weight lift…

-sports like tennis, raquetball, golf etc get you moving and stress some other bodyparts

– meditation, hiking, pilates and other popular activites.

Massage has numerous benefits for basic health and some specific uses for athletes.

A.    http://www.worldrunning.com/articles/sports-massage-benefits-for-runners/

B.  http://www.runnersworld.com/injury-prevention-recovery/benefits-of-massage-for-runners?cm_mmc=NL-Beginners-_-1617442-_-03052014-_-Benefits-of-Massage-for-Runners

C.   http://running.competitor.com/2013/12/injury-prevention/the-four-best-types-of-massage-for-runners_60280

Yoga is great and can be done at home after a little study or a couple of classes. You can always go to the studio as well, but be careful which studio-and the focus of the instructor.

A.   http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/yoga/poses/yoga-for-runners/?page=6

B.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXTK5sit6c8&feature=related

C.  http://www.yogajournal.com/uncategorized/more-reasons-athtletes-need-yoga/

And of course the idea of food and fuel and diet can be addressed and some thoughts tossed around. Nothing here is a proposal or endorsement- just some recently found writings.

1. http://makehealthiest.wordpress.com/2013/10/29/vegetarian-diet-plan-for-runners/

2. http://www.fitnessrepublic.com/running/top-10-best-foods-for-runners.html

3. http://www.livestrong.com/article/459158-a-diet-for-runners-over-40-years/